October 26, 2008

The Empyreans - Mega

Okay, I should've made a big deal about this a long time ago... sorry. Things have been pretty busy lately. My latest music project, an Empyreans album (#6), is done and ready for download (for free!). Without further ado, I present to you:

The Empyreans - Mega


Discuss it on the music forums @ http://theempyreans.com/

If you download it, thanks! I hope you enjoy.

I've got a ton of stuff going on lately, I'll be sure to get up some more in-depth posts ASAP.

~ Diz

September 25, 2008

I Am Noobiticus!

Okay it's been too long. I felt bad about not updating so I just put it off. Well, no more! So 20 Feathaz was a lot of fun to do, but the material that it was based around turned out to be a let down. Yeah, I'm talking about Age of Conan. It was garbage.

My group, The Empyreans (.com) are pretty amped on Warhammer lately. They claim it is the bee's knees, but I dunno. Lately I've been consumed with music, school, work, and having my car totalled by an absolute moron:

She hit me (and my buddy Kyle in the passenger seat) at 50 mph during rush hour traffic while I had been sitting at an intersection waiting for all the bumper-to-bumper to clear up during a yellow-to-red shift on the light. Out of nowhere, boom. No brakes sound, nothing. I went to the hospital, it was crazy. BTW, if you look at the pictures, my license plate is 911, and the date of the accident was 9/11, and obviously I dealt with 911 since they came to the scene and took my in an ambulance. Crazy! Since my LS is annihilated, I think I'm gonna snatch up a nice '01 Prelude.

There's also been a limited but incredibly productive talk amongst a few of us in the Empyreans about starting a gaming community site, based around a weekly podcast. I don't want to get into the details, but it could be the next big thing on the planet. More info on this will undoubtedly come to light in the future, if all goes according to plan. ^_-

I'm on the edge of my job, basically pulling a Peter from Office Space. Maybe because the job feels like Office Space. Moving on...

The Empyreans finished our sixth album this week, I'll make a big post about that in a day or two, with links to download it. I did a ton of work on it, it is like a movie score. 110 minutes, 30 tracks, lot of collaborating and stuff on it. It's awesome music, and I gotta say, maybe I should look into this more seriously. Anyways, I'll talk about the album, Mega, more in my next post.

Music is just so busy lately. Like, out of control busy. These past few months, June, July, August, September... have been the most productive artistic period in my entire life by far. I don't know what it is exactly, maybe living alone? Anyways, here are parts of a song I'm trying to collab on w/ Plastik. In visual format!!!

Now wasn't that just as good as hearing it, except 3 minutes shorter? Great... lets keep it going.

My Ohio State Buckeyes, the love of my life, why do you break my heart. I can literally see into the stadium from my bed, but now I don't even want to think about you! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE THE BIG ONES IN THE WORST WAYS. Especially to a team like USC. Los Angeles doesn't deserve a college football team. It's a town thing, people in LA wouldn't really give a crap one way or another about the outcome of that game. But here in Columbus? Hell, even the entire state of Ohio. It's a massive deal. and we got our asses kicked. Again...

However, my Tampa Bay Rays are going to the playoffs for the first time ever. And, yours truly called it (yeah thats right, go check my old posts). In a few weeks, make sure you keep an eye out for me on the Sportscenter highlight reel, catching a home run in the stands during their home games in the ALCS against Boston. I love these guys, I've watched about 100 Rays games this season, I hope they go all the way.

Okay, I'll be updating at least once a week from now on. I promise that. Next blog, more talk about the album we just finished, Mega, what our next project will be, and some other left-field stuff. Peace!

July 13, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

Man, it's been a while. I've been playing Age of Conan, working, attempting to change majors, and also settling into my new place, which is pretty cool.

diz owns

I've had a migraine for about 40 hours straight now, absolutely insane pressure, throbbing & pulsing my soft brain matter against my skull. I honestly felt like I was going to pass out at a couple points. Anyways, it's hard to concentrate, so I apologize if any of this post is wack. Seriously, I couldn't hear out of my right ear during the onset...

Ironically, my Tampa Bay Rays are kicking ass in baseball. Currently holding the best record in MLB. However, they've just hit a small slump, I think they've dropped five or six in a row now... in two series against crappy teams (KC & Cleveland). However, their rookie 3B Evan Longoria got voted in for the All-Star game! Rock on...


On the flip side, all of my fantasy baseball teams are falling apart. Which makes no sense, considering I drafted every single Tampa Bay Rays player. WTF???


I've been owning in video games (as usual):

pure Ownage

Now, Age of Conan. Where do I start. I'm going to just keep this brief. Age of Conan is on life support. It needs a lot of work, and I'm not sure if Funcom will be able to keep the playerbase active until they implement the rest of the game we paid for months ago. This is a big issue for me and if it doesn't pan out well, then I think I'm going to go ballistic Jihad ninja on a lot of ppl to take out my nerd rage.

If you're still hard for Age of Conan, or want to know whats up, check our guild out (theempyreans.com)... or if you obsess over me, go search for "adizmal" on youtube and you can find a couple new Age of Conan videos and clips from our guild and myself.

Oh yeah, one more thing. 20 Feathaz was finished a while ago, but I never posted about it here.

20 Feathaz

Go download the album at: http://sc0ttius.phpwebhosting.com/mp3s/20feathaz.zip

I'll post more when I get the chance. Lets go TEAM USA! OWN THE REST OF THE PATHETIC WORLD IN THE OLYMPIX!!! Later peeps.

May 3, 2008

Winning Consumes My Time!

I've been very busy lately. I got a job. I got a new apartment. I've been busy owning everyone in fantasy baseball. I've been doing school work as well - man, there is no way I can pass accounting.

I have a ton of stuff that I need to rant about, so I'll be putting up a couple posts this weekend that will be chock full of crap.

Also, 20 Feathaz (our new Empyreans album) is nearly finished.


~ Diz

April 2, 2008

Opening Day

Hello, internets. How are you? I am doing swell. Spring break is over for me, but never fear - baseball is here!!

My view on Opening Day - 3/31/08

That's right, third base line, C.C. Sabathia vs Mark Buerhle, we're talkin Indians vs White Sox folks, we're talkin home opener, we're talkin the beginning of spring, we're talkin blunted in sixty-degree sunshine, we're talkin about the smell of bratwurst and who is gonna hit the first homer, we're talkin about baseball baby! It's going to be the best season ever, just like the awesome game that Kyle, Comfy, and I witnessed up in Cleveland.

Now, I'd like to take the time to talk a little bit about my draft strategy, now that the season is in full swing. Before I explain anything, check this out:

This is a problem; fortunately, it is a good one. What you see above is the culmination of a sinister evil genius strategy that I myself concocted. Since I'm being paid to spill the beans on this one by Brandon Funston (he's so jealous), here is my draft strategy - draft early hitters who are young and possess both power and speed, mixed in with second spot SPs. Why the second starting pitcher, instead of the ace? Well, my theory postulates that if you draft the correct starters, who are the second pitcher in their team's rotation, then they will face easier opposition, in terms of the pitching matchup. This means their team mates will be more likely to score on their second best pitcher compared to their #1 ace, providing you with more wins and run support.

Lets take the the Giants for example. The top of their rotation is Barry Zito. Barry Freakin' Zito. That means every time Barry Zito is dukin it out with Brandon Webb, and Matt Cain gets to deal with Dan Haren, Tim Lincecum gets a nice shot at some scrub like Micah Owings or (gasp!) Randy Johnson.

Another example would be Josh Beckett and Daisuke Matsusaka; you gotta love Dice-K's chances to put up big numbers again this year, with Beckett slugging it out with the other aces in front of him. Or how about Erik Bedard coming over to shield King Felix. James Shields behind Scott Kazmir. Carmona behind Sabathia. Can see where this is going?

The point is, drafting guys like Barry Zito can totally screw your entire fantasy roster up. Drafting guys like Lincecum as your main SP corps can really help you out across the span of a season. Draft non-ace pitchers who are going to strike out a ton of people and melt lots of faces. It also helps if they play for a winning team with good run production and a deep pitching rotation.

Learning how to concoct strategies like this one is the first step to owning lots of newbies in fantasy baseball. Think deeper than your opponents. Chances are they are morons. The second step involves actually knowing stuff about baseball and the players, so we'll get to that some other time. Until then, check out this picture of my favorite player owning my least favorite player:

Next week I'll break down why I believe the Tampa Bay Rays will win the World Series this year, as well as some information on Age of Conan. Also, the album(s) are coming along very well. I may post a couple sneak peeks tracks up for download or something, who knows.

March 22, 2008


Ahhh, baseball is here... nevermind March Madness.

It is time to grab the USB-powered George Foreman grill, a Sam's Club pack of hot dogs, a keg of beer made by my buddy The President, a carton of P-Funks, a fat O of dank, and the handy dandy MLB.TV Mosaic -

So basically, life is over as we know it. This nice application costs $120 for the entire season of MLB, and gives you access to every game except regional blackouts. Basically, it checks your region and the games you could find on your TV are not available on the service - however, all other games are. For me, I'll be able to see every team except Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh. The other really cool feature about the Mosaic is that it shows you six (thats 6) live stream feeds in the application, and you can customize it to prioritize certain games over others. Say you're watching six games, and one of your fantasy players comes up to be bat in a different game, lets say the seventh game, the one you aren't watching - it will automatically switch one of the screens (bottom right) to your player's at-bat. It'll then flip back when it's over. How intuitive is that? Also included (obviously) is the Play-By-Play audio over the feeds, where you can select which game you're listening to. And yes, it also goes into single-game mode:

So, with the baseball season gearing up this week in Tokyo, that means only one thing - fantasy baseball time!!! And with that, I will now offer up a glimpse into the mind of a winner like myself. Take notes, create pie charts, get the Video Professor to pay me to make a Drafting 101 guide, whatever. That's right, with the right gameplan, you too can draft hot fantasy studs like Tim Lincecum:

This guy is an absolute pimp! Anyways...

I macked my drafts hardcore in typical winner fashion. No, seriously. Check out this handy .jpg, or if you don't care, at least pretend to. For me.

All of my fantasy teams are going to live or die by how the Tampa Bay Rays play. Obviously, I've been making trades. I'll be posting every week about my matchups and moves, and how our league is going - so far, everyone seems excited, although a little timid. I appear to be one of the few GMs willing to trade and talk around our league. Hopefully, as it progresses, more drama begins to unfold! I'll be sure to boast about the awesome moves I make in the near future.

Next post will also have my third video game movie up for viewing or downloading. Also, there are two new music projects in the works - 20 Feathaz with Arkturus, which will be a more relaxed and random album, followed by a solo project which features foreign lyrics on top of some of my more seriously-themed music. Aiming for summer with both of these projects.

I hope you newbs enjoy the new layout!

March 14, 2008

The Front Lines

Salutations to the remnants of the human race...

I have returned from my second tour of duty on planet Earth.

This video is way better than the first one, probably because I am finally beginning to understand video editing... my experience in music production and mixing has given me a lot of insight in how to do this.

Speaking of music, this video features 3 (actually 4) songs that are not released yet, they will be available when the new music project is finished (fairly soon).

Anyways I must apologize to you all for truncating this blog post. I do not have much time today, as I must return to the war on Earth with haste; the President of the United Galaxies has given me a very important mission.

Ciao, bella!

March 7, 2008

Winning An Oscar

Contrary to popular belief, "When Animals Attack: Part 3" is not about tigers mauling newbies at the zoo on FOX network, but is actually a documentary about my ferocious and nearly-perfected FPS skill. I decided to try and show the rest of the world just how good I am at video games (if that is even possible). Check out my dirty assault style, my raw-dog tactics being employed. Take notes, do whatever you like... this is my first attempt at video recording and video editing. It is almost ten minutes long, and features three of our own Empyreans songs!

Without further ado, I present:

Operation: Domination

Let me know if you like it, I plan on doing more... with better footage, better editing, and maybe even some sort of story.


February 26, 2008

The Bare Minimum

Minimalism is so feng shui. No, seriously. It's easy mode. Hell of a lot easier to keep tabs on something smaller than something larger. Anyways, the point is, keeping it real.

Yesterday, I kept it real. So real, in fact, that I made a hundred bucks off of keeping it real. I decided, after some internal debate, that I would simply sell off my CD collection. The reasoning is simple. The future is now. Direct downloads are beginning to take off as an industry standard. Flash drives are everywhere. They even have flash drive USB credit cards in South Korea. WTF???

Basically, I see those types of media standards and information storage as archaic. Seriously, I can go get an external hard drive that is going to hold 5000 CDs' worth of music. And if I need a CD? Burn it. I mean, hell, I bet in five years most cars will be rolling around with small hard drive storage for playing music while you drive around town. No more fiddling around for CDs, scratching them up, losing them, etc.

If you think I'm selling out my "collectivism" for a small amount of money, you'd be right. But honestly... who cares. Collection is right there. These aren't records - nobody is going to be paying two grand for a Beatles DIGITALLY REMASTERED Sgt. Pepper's CD.

Today I read this on a Yahoo article:

"We have a lot of layoffs," said Ji Rawat, a 47-year-old sheetmetal worker with three children who showed up to support Clinton at a rally in Columbus. "People feel poor."

I know it's pretty naive and illegitimate to say this, but... I don't know a single person here in Columbus who feels poor because of layoffs. I don't know a single person who has been layed off because of the economy. If you feel poor, get a secondary job, or stop blowing all of your money on crack, or go to school so you can get a better job. I'm not saying my town is a bunch of rich people - it is a blue collar college town in the Midwest, of course theres a lot of poor people - I'm just annoyed by retards lumping the entire town into their perceived perspective. The saddest part is that a million people will read that Yahoo article, see Ji's opinion of the economic situation in Ohio, and then the readers will think, "Ohio's economy is as bad as Michigans, huh?". No. In fact, you know what? Lets just dump all of these jobs on Mexico, so Mr. Rawat will move the hell away from me.

Is it just me, or is this hope rhetoric really pathetic? I really like the message of say, Obama, but honestly - what the hell is he going to actually do as President? What will any of these candidates do? Chances are, you'll never see jack shizzle of a change that makes an impact on your daily life as a result of whoever is President. Honestly, I really am inspired by messages of hope - but come on. Let me put it this way... If you're watching TV, and the eXtenze PENIS-ENLARGER advertisement comes on, is there any way you're going to be fooled by it? Are they really going to convince you with their flashy commercial that it will actually change anything? How about credit card debt consolidation commercials. Are they actually going to help you get out of debt? Probably. But is the company doing it to help your problems? No, they're doing it to make money.

The candidates are saying all of this junk because they want you to vote for them. They need you. You don't need them. Until this election is over, these people will keep trying to take your power and put it into their pocket. Remember that when you go to vote - vote for whoever you think is going to keep it real... the bare minimum. If you promise too much, you'll never see any of those promises come true. Message to politicians - please fly low, and please fly straight, so we can keep tabs on where you're headed and what you're doing along the way.

February 19, 2008

Picking A Winner

The album is out!

You can download it or stream it at http://soundclick.com/theempyreans.


Harken to me! I come bearing the fruition of wisdom, come to light in months of deep thought and induced euphoria - Diz's words of wisdom, if you will.

· The weak is more powerful than the strong, for the weak carries the strong on it's back.

· The machine rolls on, with or without you. Watch out! It's headed in your direction.

· The internet is not a series of tubes; the internet is a series of noobs.

· Graciousness does not supercede honesty.

PS - In hindsight, without using a negative or positive lens to view... what was George Bush's original gameplan before 9/11? I can't decide if he was planning a boom, or if he was turtling and just started a zerg squad after the failed rush by the terrorists. Basically, what were his original strats pre 9/11, and what would you call his strats post 9/11? Did they even change? Was the present situation in his original strats? I wonder if him and Cheney play COD4 on the 360.

February 11, 2008

Sins of a Solar Empire / 2008 Nerd Speculations

Ahhh, Sins of a Solar Empire. Where do I start? Well, I start right here:

I plug in my USB Slippers (usbgeek.com [just kidding, cool site though]), and I'm good to go. For twelve hours. Sometimes a lot more. Ok, so what is all the hubub about?

How in the hell is this game not already hailed as the entire reason to continue PC gaming??? This is the best game I've played in years. I cannot put enough emphasis on years...

Click to enlarge!

Sins of a Solar Empire is a new type of game. It will single handedly change the way that RTS and 4x games have been developed from now on. It is a fusion of both. SSE lays the tracks with all of the lumbering, macro-intensive strategy of Civilization 4, and then runs a train carrying Starcraft 2 micro over it... at a glacial speed. Very refreshing.

SSE is such a revolutionary game that it causes the gamer to adapt mentally to the epic scope of the game. It literally trains you to be more patient. The past decade has really been dominated by a lot of games that reward speed over skill. This game plays so slow, that it requires you to be more patient in your entire gaming style. Wave of the future, seriously.

The gameplay is so intuitive that a five year old with down syndrome could get the hang of it in a couple of minutes. The learning curve is really short, but the end game seems to be dominated by extremely finesse strategic manuevers and well designed tactics. Sort of like chess. No zerging, no brute force, no imba here. The game mechanics are very even across the board in the original vanilla game setup (yes, this game will be modded to the next galaxy and back).

Click to enlarge!

Back to the point about the down syndrome, though. This game is so incredibly in-depth, yet simple to control and slow paced. The combat is very involved and there are split second decisions, don't get me wrong. The point is, if you found yourself overwhelmed by anything at any point in this game, you should probably quit playing video games completely. Why? Because the UI, the pace, and the overall flow of the dynamics are so finely tuned and in sync with each other, that there is no way you find yourself lost or confused during a round of SSE. Let me put it this way - you could go to the bathroom, make a ham sandwich, come back to your game, and still find yourself looking at the same events unfolding you saw before you went AFK for five minutes.

One thing I would like to clear up is that I was definitely desperate for a good game to come out. However, this is not some ugly fat chick at the bar that I'm hitting on after last call. This is a bombshell, knock out, Jessica Alba standing in a back alley somewhere, gesturing you to follow her to some swank hotel where she and ten other hot chicks are having some hot lesbian orgy. Where the hell did this game come from??? No reviews, no big marketing, nothing. Just a great game, randomly delivered at the best of times, quenching the thirst of us desert nomads known as "PC gamers." Yeah... screw you, consoles! This year, we fight back!

Check out the official trailer, if my screen shots and ranting haven't convinced you yet:

Sins of a Solar Empire (Official)


Speaking of this year, it is owning. I feel it. This is going to be a great year. Here are the reasons:

'06 and '07 were the worst years in sports history. The tide has turned, though. My reasons? I'm a Buckeye fan ('06 football AND basketball championship losses to UF, '07 football championship loss to LSU... f the SEC). Major League Baseball and steroids. The cheating refs in the NBA. The New England Patriots, and their surrounding orbiting problems. However, obviously are coming back full circle, since they lost the Super Bowl! Luhlz, Eli... Baseball, I predict, will have a nice season where it turns around things in the ball parks. Buckeyes will also play in their third consecutive national championship, this time blowing out any random mega leet SEC team, and capping our powerhouses of the past few years. Lets get it done boys.

Also, this year looks to be pretty cool for geeks. There are a lot of good games coming out this year, and a lot of new cool technlogy and bomb ass consumer electronics. Some ULTRA MEGA SUPER PIMP PC games on the horizon are Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Fallout 3, and Starcraft 3. I was looking into the Consumer Electronics Show 2008 footage this year, and it looks like they're really stepping it up with the HDTVs, and crap like that. Now that Blu-Ray is the winner, the big consumer electronics companies are going to be pushing the new standard really hard, and the best way to do that will be convincing all of you that HD is the shiznit. Which will cost you a lot of money, but is worth it (sucks, huh). Here is a nice clip of my ranting a while back from a chat room, I'm too lazy to chop this up into a readable format, so here is my abridged review of CES '08...

<+Diz> 60" HDTVs
<+Diz> less than half an inch thick
<+Diz> at CES
<+Diz> they got robots
<+Diz> that can kick it
<+Diz> at ur f___in crib
<+Diz> u can like
<+Diz> log on
<+Diz> remote
<+Diz> and be like
<+Diz> yo go to the kitchen
<+Diz> make a sandwich
<+Diz> and then like come home and ur sandwich is made
<+Diz> panasonic has a 150" plasma
<+Diz> 4kx2k
<+Diz> 8megapixel reso
<+Diz> and 9 milimeter thick 50" plasma

Go google that stuff...

Also, the election race is heating up. I'm scared of Clinton. I've been looking into McCain and Obama, they seem like decent(???!!!...wtf) choices. I hope more info on their stances and plans come out soon, so we can get down to the business of picking out the lesser of many evils.

Have a nice Valentine's Day, bitches. I left roses by your night stand.

PS - New album is done, I'll post about it undoubtedly sometime this week, as well as download links (when I find time to stop playing SSE).

January 29, 2008

Sitting While Winning

I tend to sit a lot, since I'm busy taking over the world from my command center a lot of the time. So, it's only natural that I upgrade my comfort level while I'm busy owning and winning.

This past Monday I poked around town for a nice computer chair. Originally I started out looking for something like my room mate's chair. A nice big mobile chair for a little more than a hundred bucks.

Well, being the type of snob for faux luxury that I am...

I eventually went all out. It cost $300. Trump Office Bedminster is the make and model. Yeah, I said Trump...

It's a Lay-Z-Boy on wheels. I'm in love. Look at the old one, how pathetic. It shall be donated to charity (lol chairity) as a tax write-off, in order to compensate for my recently depleted war funds. I'm kidding, it's going in the basement and never being used again. The difference between these two chairs is like night and day. Get yourself one and park that rump in a TRUMP!


January 28, 2008

Current Game Lineup

I bought three new games this week. Mostly just to hold me over until AoC comes out. Yeah, it got delayed again. Looking like the middle of May now.

All are great games.

The first game I bought was a replacement for a game I've lost. Simcity 4 (Deluxe). It's dope. I play this game for hours. Literally. 24 hours at a time. Nuff said.

The second game I bought was FIFA 08. Each year I buy the new versions of EA's FIFA, Madden, NCAA, and Tiger Woods. I also like 2KSports' MLB2K_. I'm waiting on the 08 version of this one for obvious Tampa Bay Rays reasons.

The most recent game I bought was Medieval II: Total War. It's really cool. It's basically like playing Risk. Yeah, the board game. Cool graphics.

That's all for now. Short sentences. Sorry. Busy owning MII:TW on the other comp. Later.

January 22, 2008

Just (Don't) Do It

I really hate corporations. Which is ironic, since I'm in business management school, and sit around learning how to be one of those non factor suits you see driving their taurus to work each morning, eating their McDonalds breakfast.

See, today I finally stuck it to the man. Slightly. Well, not really; it just made me feel better. Today I got several more pieces of trash in the mail today. Which, goes without saying. Remember later on after you finish reading this schpiel when I say, "it's the thought that counts." So this morning I checked my mail, and what do you know. There's two nicely packaged envelopes from Equus magazine, and Practical Horseman magazine.

...Wait, what???

No I do not ride horses. Ever. Never once. Anyways, heres the story. About 8 months ago, I noticed a package on my doorstep. I brought it inside, and looked at the yellow manilla envelope, with the address from Practical Horseman Magazine. The receiver was some some chick who used to live in this apartment before me (so had the same address). Well, I feel the package for a moment, and immediately realize it is a saddle. Just feels exactly like a saddle. If you don't know what a saddle feels like, it feels like you think it would - like a saddle.

So, me being the NICE GUY that I am, I call up Practical Horse magazine, and ask them to send me a return envelope, because that original receiver does not live at this address anymore. They sound happy to oblige, and a couple weeks later, the return envelope arrives (I'm not paying that postage, it ain't my mail).

Flash forward to now. Eight months later I'm on four different horse magazine mailing lists, and get random spam snail mail from them. Now get this - I've called each magazine individually about FIVE times now. Literally called these random personal information scamming/selling/trading bastards multiple times to request being removed from their mailing lists which I should not be on to begin with. So, today, I finally snapped. I got so pissed that I called each company in a row, followed by the owner of all the magazines, and gave them a piece of my mind. I feel bad for customer service representatives (sorry, Kyle).

"Hello, how may I help you?"


It felt really nice. By the time I called the corporate public relations number of the company that runs all these magazines, they seemed happy to take me off their lists for real. I don't have a problem with spam mail, real life or on the internet. But, I do have a problem with spam mail, that is sent to you only because you bothered to help out someone.

Never help a company. Only help people. Shoes and suits only want your money... and will step on your toes while they pilfer your pockets. Keep fighting the good fight...

January 20, 2008

The Offseason

I used to hate the Offseason. Now I really love it. It gives you time to think rationally about how you won, or why you didn't win.

See, I was born in Tampa, Florida. So, I have a thing for sports teams from Tampa (even though I'm a Buckeye). It's tough being a fan for the Buccaneers and the Rays. That's right - they changed their name this off season.

The Rays always suck. Last year they were the worst team in the league, which comes as no surprise. But honestly, they're better than they seem at first glance. First, they play in a tough division. This is like playing a video game on the hardest mode. Why not make it a challenge, right? They also have had terrible managers, owners, and players for the past ten years. However, they've drafted well, built up their organization from a home brew of players and a dash of veteran presence, and they appear to be poised to finally bust torwards a .500+ mark this '08 season. They've really come a long way since a year ago.

But now, it looks like the Rays are turning a corner. They made a flurry of great trades and moves this Off season. They look ready to me, and other teams are started to notice, too. Look out, Yankees of the baseball world - The Rays are finally ready to play. I love the Offseason!

PS - New album is coming along, too. Keep it real...

January 14, 2008

Why Am I Blogging?

It's all about winning, let's be honest. Apparently, in order to win in today's Starbucks ready world, you need to have a blog. I look at it like another notch in my belt of important things I've conquered and/or won. It just didn't feel right blogging on our music page over on myspace...

So here I am now, with a nice little page of obscurity of my own. If you're actually still reading, let me thank you by saying I'll try to keep this page updated daily. Or at least every other day. Actually, I'll just be posting whenever I feel like it. I might post something an hour from now, painting a nice scene with words about how I just got off Battlefield and just wrecked 90 people in a row. You never know...

Ok, moving on, I'd like to tell a little about what this blog will usually be about. Most of the time, it will be me owning people and gloating about it. Occasionally, I'll post screen shots and/or FRAPS of the carnage. To be honest though, any videos uploaded will probably be of me and my uber cool also-legendary-gamers-turned-real-life-juggernats getting drunk or stoned and acting completely demented (which also counts as owning). Other newsworthy additions to the blog will be me ranting about sports, culture, politics, and probably stupid people I run into throughout my super cool life of constant awesomeness. Also important info about games and geeky stuff will be posted here. I'll also try hard to keep it mature enough for you to view at work.

In order to ensure your future viewing and reading pleasure of this terrible waste of time blog, theres also a cool picture of a llama up top.

PS - I'll try and get some uber cool banner up top or something when I get a chance. Does this minimalist black web page go easy on the eyes? PST