Okay it's been too long. I felt bad about not updating so I just put it off. Well, no more! So 20 Feathaz was a lot of fun to do, but the material that it was based around turned out to be a let down. Yeah, I'm talking about Age of Conan. It was garbage.
My group, The Empyreans (.com) are pretty amped on Warhammer lately. They claim it is the bee's knees, but I dunno. Lately I've been consumed with music, school, work, and having my car totalled by an absolute moron:

She hit me (and my buddy Kyle in the passenger seat) at 50 mph during rush hour traffic while I had been sitting at an intersection waiting for all the bumper-to-bumper to clear up during a yellow-to-red shift on the light. Out of nowhere, boom. No brakes sound, nothing. I went to the hospital, it was crazy. BTW, if you look at the pictures, my license plate is 911, and the date of the accident was 9/11, and obviously I dealt with 911 since they came to the scene and took my in an ambulance. Crazy! Since my LS is annihilated, I think I'm gonna snatch up a nice '01 Prelude.
There's also been a limited but incredibly productive talk amongst a few of us in the Empyreans about starting a gaming community site, based around a weekly podcast. I don't want to get into the details, but it could be the next big thing on the planet. More info on this will undoubtedly come to light in the future, if all goes according to plan. ^_-
I'm on the edge of my job, basically pulling a Peter from Office Space. Maybe because the job feels like Office Space. Moving on...
The Empyreans finished our sixth album this week, I'll make a big post about that in a day or two, with links to download it. I did a ton of work on it, it is like a movie score. 110 minutes, 30 tracks, lot of collaborating and stuff on it. It's awesome music, and I gotta say, maybe I should look into this more seriously. Anyways, I'll talk about the album, Mega, more in my next post.
Music is just so busy lately. Like, out of control busy. These past few months, June, July, August, September... have been the most productive artistic period in my entire life by far. I don't know what it is exactly, maybe living alone? Anyways, here are parts of a song I'm trying to collab on w/ Plastik. In visual format!!!

Now wasn't that just as good as hearing it, except 3 minutes shorter? Great... lets keep it going.
My Ohio State Buckeyes, the love of my life, why do you break my heart. I can literally see into the stadium from my bed, but now I don't even want to think about you! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE THE BIG ONES IN THE WORST WAYS. Especially to a team like USC. Los Angeles doesn't deserve a college football team. It's a town thing, people in LA wouldn't really give a crap one way or another about the outcome of that game. But here in Columbus? Hell, even the entire state of Ohio. It's a massive deal. and we got our asses kicked. Again...
However, my Tampa Bay Rays are going to the playoffs for the first time ever. And, yours truly called it (yeah thats right, go check my old posts). In a few weeks, make sure you keep an eye out for me on the Sportscenter highlight reel, catching a home run in the stands during their home games in the ALCS against Boston. I love these guys, I've watched about 100 Rays games this season, I hope they go all the way.

Okay, I'll be updating at least once a week from now on. I promise that. Next blog, more talk about the album we just finished, Mega, what our next project will be, and some other left-field stuff. Peace!