Ahhh, Sins of a Solar Empire. Where do I start? Well, I start right here:

I plug in my USB Slippers (usbgeek.com [just kidding, cool site though]), and I'm good to go. For twelve hours. Sometimes a lot more. Ok, so what is all the hubub about?
How in the hell is this game not already hailed as the entire reason to continue PC gaming??? This is the best game I've played in years. I cannot put enough emphasis on years...

Sins of a Solar Empire is a new type of game. It will single handedly change the way that RTS and 4x games have been developed from now on. It is a fusion of both. SSE lays the tracks with all of the lumbering, macro-intensive strategy of Civilization 4, and then runs a train carrying Starcraft 2 micro over it... at a glacial speed. Very refreshing.
SSE is such a revolutionary game that it causes the gamer to adapt mentally to the epic scope of the game. It literally trains you to be more patient. The past decade has really been dominated by a lot of games that reward speed over skill. This game plays so slow, that it requires you to be more patient in your entire gaming style. Wave of the future, seriously.
The gameplay is so intuitive that a five year old with down syndrome could get the hang of it in a couple of minutes. The learning curve is really short, but the end game seems to be dominated by extremely finesse strategic manuevers and well designed tactics. Sort of like chess. No zerging, no brute force, no imba here. The game mechanics are very even across the board in the original vanilla game setup (yes, this game will be modded to the next galaxy and back).

Back to the point about the down syndrome, though. This game is so incredibly in-depth, yet simple to control and slow paced. The combat is very involved and there are split second decisions, don't get me wrong. The point is, if you found yourself overwhelmed by anything at any point in this game, you should probably quit playing video games completely. Why? Because the UI, the pace, and the overall flow of the dynamics are so finely tuned and in sync with each other, that there is no way you find yourself lost or confused during a round of SSE. Let me put it this way - you could go to the bathroom, make a ham sandwich, come back to your game, and still find yourself looking at the same events unfolding you saw before you went AFK for five minutes.
One thing I would like to clear up is that I was definitely desperate for a good game to come out. However, this is not some ugly fat chick at the bar that I'm hitting on after last call. This is a bombshell, knock out, Jessica Alba standing in a back alley somewhere, gesturing you to follow her to some swank hotel where she and ten other hot chicks are having some hot lesbian orgy. Where the hell did this game come from??? No reviews, no big marketing, nothing. Just a great game, randomly delivered at the best of times, quenching the thirst of us desert nomads known as "PC gamers." Yeah... screw you, consoles! This year, we fight back!
Check out the official trailer, if my screen shots and ranting haven't convinced you yet:
Speaking of this year, it is owning. I feel it. This is going to be a great year. Here are the reasons:
'06 and '07 were the worst years in sports history. The tide has turned, though. My reasons? I'm a Buckeye fan ('06 football AND basketball championship losses to UF, '07 football championship loss to LSU... f the SEC). Major League Baseball and steroids. The cheating refs in the NBA. The New England Patriots, and their surrounding orbiting problems. However, obviously are coming back full circle, since they lost the Super Bowl! Luhlz, Eli... Baseball, I predict, will have a nice season where it turns around things in the ball parks. Buckeyes will also play in their third consecutive national championship, this time blowing out any random mega leet SEC team, and capping our powerhouses of the past few years. Lets get it done boys.

Also, this year looks to be pretty cool for geeks. There are a lot of good games coming out this year, and a lot of new cool technlogy and bomb ass consumer electronics. Some ULTRA MEGA SUPER PIMP PC games on the horizon are Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Fallout 3, and Starcraft 3. I was looking into the Consumer Electronics Show 2008 footage this year, and it looks like they're really stepping it up with the HDTVs, and crap like that. Now that Blu-Ray is the winner, the big consumer electronics companies are going to be pushing the new standard really hard, and the best way to do that will be convincing all of you that HD is the shiznit. Which will cost you a lot of money, but is worth it (sucks, huh). Here is a nice clip of my ranting a while back from a chat room, I'm too lazy to chop this up into a readable format, so here is my abridged review of CES '08...
<+Diz> 60" HDTVs
<+Diz> less than half an inch thick
<+Diz> at CES
<+Diz> they got robots
<+Diz> that can kick it
<+Diz> at ur f___in crib
<+Diz> u can like
<+Diz> log on
<+Diz> remote
<+Diz> and be like
<+Diz> yo go to the kitchen
<+Diz> make a sandwich
<+Diz> and then like come home and ur sandwich is made
<+Diz> panasonic has a 150" plasma
<+Diz> 4kx2k
<+Diz> 8megapixel reso
<+Diz> and 9 milimeter thick 50" plasma
Go google that stuff...
Also, the election race is heating up. I'm scared of Clinton. I've been looking into McCain and Obama, they seem like decent(???!!!...wtf) choices. I hope more info on their stances and plans come out soon, so we can get down to the business of picking out the lesser of many evils.
Have a nice Valentine's Day, bitches. I left roses by your night stand.
PS - New album is done, I'll post about it undoubtedly sometime this week, as well as download links (when I find time to stop playing SSE).