So a couple days ago, I posted about Pocket Legends and mobile gaming in general on my iPhone. It continues to amaze me.
However, even more amazing is that my little tiny post was somehow found by a PL facebook group. Then the PL website [linked above] posted a link on their front page Twitter gadget, directed right at my blog post. Wow!!! I'm flattered, surely; but mostly I'm confused. Seriously, how does the Internet find the most obscure stuff and manage to showcase it? I had people running up to me in game ALL DAY LONG, saying they read my blog. Surreal. I'm not even on facebook!!! Weird...
So I've almost finished grinding my first [real] character to 35. Currently I'm sitting at 32, equipped with a few cool PINK items [thx Esus!!!]. I've met tons of cool people so far, some pro some noob. Heres an example of what noobs look like -
I shall begin my quest for epic pink loot by nightfall! The citizenry of PL shall quiver whenever I join the instance! Well, maybe not yet, but very soon. When I gear up. And start rolling with similarly epic players such as myself. PL domination incoming...
But I do have a few problems and concerns with the game, I will admit it. First off, the chat system is being abused by spammers, scammers, and general immature noobery. It needs a workable anti-abuse mechanic, akin to a trigger. Drop rates on high end gear are currently too nice, as it's one of the few things that adds tremendous replay value at the end. I think drop rates should be lowered, but only slightly. It should take more than a week to truly deck a toon out. Finally, with respect to PvP - skills will probably need tweaking to make all classes and builds both viable and not overpowered. Currently I do not see any gaping imbalances, but I fear that a pure STR warrior with a 2-handed wep will be 2 shotting lower armored players. I also fear ice mages will potentially be overpowered with respect to too much CC utility if specced correctly. However these are truly minor things, and it will be interesting to see how the Devs approach issues as they sprout up.
Anyways, I just wanted to follow up on my first post by saying, I've almost entered full end game, and PL is holding my attention stronger than before. You must try this game.