March 22, 2008


Ahhh, baseball is here... nevermind March Madness.

It is time to grab the USB-powered George Foreman grill, a Sam's Club pack of hot dogs, a keg of beer made by my buddy The President, a carton of P-Funks, a fat O of dank, and the handy dandy MLB.TV Mosaic -

So basically, life is over as we know it. This nice application costs $120 for the entire season of MLB, and gives you access to every game except regional blackouts. Basically, it checks your region and the games you could find on your TV are not available on the service - however, all other games are. For me, I'll be able to see every team except Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh. The other really cool feature about the Mosaic is that it shows you six (thats 6) live stream feeds in the application, and you can customize it to prioritize certain games over others. Say you're watching six games, and one of your fantasy players comes up to be bat in a different game, lets say the seventh game, the one you aren't watching - it will automatically switch one of the screens (bottom right) to your player's at-bat. It'll then flip back when it's over. How intuitive is that? Also included (obviously) is the Play-By-Play audio over the feeds, where you can select which game you're listening to. And yes, it also goes into single-game mode:

So, with the baseball season gearing up this week in Tokyo, that means only one thing - fantasy baseball time!!! And with that, I will now offer up a glimpse into the mind of a winner like myself. Take notes, create pie charts, get the Video Professor to pay me to make a Drafting 101 guide, whatever. That's right, with the right gameplan, you too can draft hot fantasy studs like Tim Lincecum:

This guy is an absolute pimp! Anyways...

I macked my drafts hardcore in typical winner fashion. No, seriously. Check out this handy .jpg, or if you don't care, at least pretend to. For me.

All of my fantasy teams are going to live or die by how the Tampa Bay Rays play. Obviously, I've been making trades. I'll be posting every week about my matchups and moves, and how our league is going - so far, everyone seems excited, although a little timid. I appear to be one of the few GMs willing to trade and talk around our league. Hopefully, as it progresses, more drama begins to unfold! I'll be sure to boast about the awesome moves I make in the near future.

Next post will also have my third video game movie up for viewing or downloading. Also, there are two new music projects in the works - 20 Feathaz with Arkturus, which will be a more relaxed and random album, followed by a solo project which features foreign lyrics on top of some of my more seriously-themed music. Aiming for summer with both of these projects.

I hope you newbs enjoy the new layout!

March 14, 2008

The Front Lines

Salutations to the remnants of the human race...

I have returned from my second tour of duty on planet Earth.

This video is way better than the first one, probably because I am finally beginning to understand video editing... my experience in music production and mixing has given me a lot of insight in how to do this.

Speaking of music, this video features 3 (actually 4) songs that are not released yet, they will be available when the new music project is finished (fairly soon).

Anyways I must apologize to you all for truncating this blog post. I do not have much time today, as I must return to the war on Earth with haste; the President of the United Galaxies has given me a very important mission.

Ciao, bella!

March 7, 2008

Winning An Oscar

Contrary to popular belief, "When Animals Attack: Part 3" is not about tigers mauling newbies at the zoo on FOX network, but is actually a documentary about my ferocious and nearly-perfected FPS skill. I decided to try and show the rest of the world just how good I am at video games (if that is even possible). Check out my dirty assault style, my raw-dog tactics being employed. Take notes, do whatever you like... this is my first attempt at video recording and video editing. It is almost ten minutes long, and features three of our own Empyreans songs!

Without further ado, I present:

Operation: Domination

Let me know if you like it, I plan on doing more... with better footage, better editing, and maybe even some sort of story.
