August 26, 2009


Look I'm really NOT big on politics, even though I may post something once in a while about them.

Like right now, for example.

I just want to say that while I respect and admire Ted Kennedy for his civil service and long standing work ethic, he was a complete retard. I know he just died and it sounds mean, but, seriously I've been reading some over-the-top articles about this guy praising him like he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Which is beyond stupid. The guy was nothing without the Kennedy name - go read some of the stupid shit he's done, but gets off slick because "HES A KENNEDY OMG"

Nepotism disgusts me and it's still as prevalent as ever in our society and gov't.

August 20, 2009

I just wanted to say...

...this song has been stuck in my head for weeks now, even though it's been a while since I first heard it and it actually sounds really weird. Dunno why I'm obsessed with it, the first time I heard it I was not very impressed at all. Hmm.

August 8, 2009

Rays lost a game in the 11th inning last night. Sofa pillows got their ass beat in my house, that's for sure. In other news, I'm going to SET IT AND FORGET IT! Not really just wanted to say that.

Finally moving forward with the epic project that's been sitting on the shelf waiting to be unveiled. Basically the music in this super secretive endeavor is so ahead of the curve that we had to let it sit back and age a little. Otherwise it'd be right over your head. I am so excited that I can barely contain my excitement. I guess at this point it's sort of easy to hold off on but man, seriously, each track is a BANGER!!!!!!!!!! Stay tuned.

Also talking to a certain Canadian about a certain something (NOT INVOLVING MUSIC) with some other anonymous people at this point about a little thing that can't be talked about. In other words, it's real deal but I can't give the slightest clue about anything involving nothing. Sho nuff. Heres a hint - Slim's Return


Just read this blurb on Yahoo or something:

"Long after major media organizations had reviewed and dismissed the "birther" movement's accusations that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen, CNN talk-show host Lou Dobbs was still talking a stale story. Even right-winger Bill O'Reilly called Dobbs to task for the nutty focus, although defended his right to speak his mind. But now Dobbs has met his match, in an ad campaign from liberal media watchdogs "Media Matters." The organization has bought ad time on CNN, telling the news host to stuff a sock in it already."

Some day, when I'm really rich, I'm going to spend money on advertisement space that will just flash, in big red letters on screen,