January 14, 2008

Why Am I Blogging?

It's all about winning, let's be honest. Apparently, in order to win in today's Starbucks ready world, you need to have a blog. I look at it like another notch in my belt of important things I've conquered and/or won. It just didn't feel right blogging on our music page over on myspace...

So here I am now, with a nice little page of obscurity of my own. If you're actually still reading, let me thank you by saying I'll try to keep this page updated daily. Or at least every other day. Actually, I'll just be posting whenever I feel like it. I might post something an hour from now, painting a nice scene with words about how I just got off Battlefield and just wrecked 90 people in a row. You never know...

Ok, moving on, I'd like to tell a little about what this blog will usually be about. Most of the time, it will be me owning people and gloating about it. Occasionally, I'll post screen shots and/or FRAPS of the carnage. To be honest though, any videos uploaded will probably be of me and my uber cool also-legendary-gamers-turned-real-life-juggernats getting drunk or stoned and acting completely demented (which also counts as owning). Other newsworthy additions to the blog will be me ranting about sports, culture, politics, and probably stupid people I run into throughout my super cool life of constant awesomeness. Also important info about games and geeky stuff will be posted here. I'll also try hard to keep it mature enough for you to view at work.

In order to ensure your future viewing and reading pleasure of this terrible waste of time blog, theres also a cool picture of a llama up top.

PS - I'll try and get some uber cool banner up top or something when I get a chance. Does this minimalist black web page go easy on the eyes? PST